Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 24: Boring

Don't you think my typical collages are kind of boring? Yeah? Me too.

So, in today's collage, you get to see the triple chin I didn't know I had and the ridiculous face I make that's apparently supposed to communicate to the hubs that I'm done taking pictures. Enjoy.

This was Saturday, outside our usual Saturday morning spot, the movie theater. Yeah, we go to movies pretty much every Saturday morning. It's our cheap date. We bring along some Starbucks coffee and oatmeal a go to the $6 early showing. Pretty good deal, huh?

And, no, we don't sneak our snacks in. We carry them in in plain sight and no one seems to care. Hm.

Speaking of movies, is anyone else super excited to go to the midnight showing of HP7 Part 2? Oh, man. I'm going to have my box of tissues ready. And I don't mind admitting that.

Saturday was also the Renegade Craft Fair, which means lots of crafty and creative (and even the not-so-creative ones) come out to sell their wares. I couldn't stay very long, but I did stay long enough to pick up a necklace from this booth:

Her necklaces were just adorable. So adorable, in fact, that I may just have to buy another one from the Etsy shop. Hm, perhaps I should wear the one I already have first?

See those long, off-white buildings? That's where the fair was held. pretty sweet, huh?

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