Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I had Monday off of work. I had big plans: run & take a long, random scooter ride around the city.

Then, I woke up to rain. And it kept coming and coming.

I was bummed. My whole two plans for the day were ruined. (While I'll happily run a race in the rain, I didn't relish the thought of running in the rain on my day off. Rain soaked shoes = blisters = the worst. But I also admit that I was a little relieved to have the excuse. That's a bad thing to hear from someone who calls herself a "runner," isn't it?)

And so I had a bad attitude the rest of the day. Fortunately, I was able to channel most of it into cleaning the apartment, and no one else was here to let my bad mood affect them. By the time the hubs got home, I had talked myself down from my grump stage and cooked him a yum steak dinner with roasted butternut squash and steamed broccoli. Hubs is on some sort of diet that requires him to eat lots of protein and as many veggies as he wants. Fine by me.

Letting something as simple as a little rain get to me is pretty silly, I know, but I was surprised at how bummed I got. Don't worry; I'm over it now.

What do you do when something messes up your plans? How do you deal with it?


Urban Outfitters top, Target jeans, Old Navy scarf, Converse shoes, Mango blazer
(all of these pieces were pretty cheap, if you calculate the cost-per-wear. I've had the jeans, top and blazer since college, and the shows the scarf are constant staples in the Style Aesthetic wardrobe. Guess that should tell me something about my aesthetic, huh?)

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