Monday, February 7, 2011

7 of 30: Nothing Interesting Happened Today

Top: Gap    Cardigan:Gap*    Cords: Gap    Boots: Restricted via Piperlime    Scarf: thrifted via Buffalo Exchange

Ok, that's not exactly true. But it's pretty darn close to the truth.

I mean, I woke up, went for a quick run (it was glorious, thanks for asking), got ready, scooted to work, worked, scooted to class, had class, scooted home, snuggled the hubs (ewwww!), made allergen-free stir fry.

And now I'm sitting here with my cherries for dessert aaaaaaand that about does it!

Oh, and I'm currently watching "The Bachelor." It's my vice. I hope that doesn't ruin some intellectual delusion you had about me. JK. I'm intellectual. I just also happen to take pleasure in watching a group of vapid ladies vying for a good-looking fella.

You know what's weird? When the ladies all arrive in Costa Rica and basically line up to hug Brad hello. Weird.

One quick story and then I'm out. You see this scarf? I scored it for $5 at Buffalo Exchange. I was shopping with my pal, lil C, who just happens to be a 6 year old. She was really feeling this scarf because she said she wants to be a cowgirl when she grows up. I told her she should dress as a cowgirl next Halloween. After looking longingly at the scarf I had purchased, she sweetly asked me if she could wear it when she's a cowgirl for Halloween. I think it would look perfect on her.

All right, that's enough of that. I'ma eat some more cherries.

* This cardigan was not in my original 30 for 30, but it's subbing for my brown cardigan, which still needs to be washed after the slushie incident.

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