That's right. I'm not giving up nothin' this month (don't please excuse the double negative). Why? 'Cause it's my thing and I can do what I want. That's pretty much the only reason. I figure I shouldn't just arbitrarily give something up just for the sake of it, so I'm skipping it all together. Oh, sure, there are constantly things I'm trying to reform in my life (hello, pile of clothes on the floor), but those are on-going, and possibly always will be. So I don't feel so bad about skipping one half of this month's challenge.
As for the accordion playing, I pulled that big box of an instrument out this weekend and was relieved to find that I could (relatively) easily play the melody lines of every song out of my accordion book with ease. That's 'cause I learned to play the piano as a little tyke.
I gotta say, whenever the hubs and I have little tykes of our own, I'm going to put them in piano lessons, at least until they have the basics, then they can do what they want. Having piano knowledge as a base for all of my musical endeavors has been invaluable to me, and I know it's been the same for my brother, too. (He took lessons as well, though was less-than-thrilled about it at the time. Now? He has a degree in sound design and is a pretty amazing musician and composes some beautiful stuff. Eventually maybe he'll let me share some of it on here.)
I'd say it's paid off for both of us rather well.
Gap blouse, Seven for All Mankind jeans, Banana Republic shoes, F21 bangles, belt & earrings
So, the right hand won't be too hard to get used to on the accordion. But the left hand is another story. There are about a bazillion buttons (bass keys and chords) on the left side of the instrument. Although I can locate "C" because of the little divot in the button, the rest are rather difficult to figure out.
The good news? There was an accordion player at our church on Sunday (yeah, our music is pretty awesome) and I approached him about lessons. He doesn't give regular lessons, but he said he could do a session or two. I figure I just need someone to get me started, because this one might prove a bit difficult to maneuver on my own.