I think it's important to remember the things that make you happy, even if they're small. So, here we go. Here's my list.
I smile...
- When I make an off-handed comment in the morning before leaving for work how I wish I had some cash to buy coffee from Farm:Table on the way to work, and come to find that the hubs has left $5 on top of my cell phone.
- Grocery delivery.
- Coming up with a blog idea for work that I'm really excited about. (Credit and personal finance can be exciting!)
- Finding that, after mentioning it at happy hour on Friday, my coworker has left the DVDs of season one of "Game of Thrones" on my desk. (Has anyone watched it? But the hubs and multiple coworkers--all male--have recommended it.)
- Hunger Games. Seriously loving it.
- Waking up early to run two mornings in a row, and stopping at the end of a pier to admire this lovely city I call "home."
- Having a clean kitchen before I go to bed.
- Throwing together a shrimp salad for lunch on Sunday and then finding out that the hubs "really liked it." (His words! It's a big deal because, sadly, I'm no independent cook. I cling to my recipes like they're going to run away from me.)
- A planned trip to Target this weekend. (It excites this city girl a lot.)
There's obviously a lot more, but this is a start. Maybe next week I'll add some more. What makes you smile?
Also, this is the man behind the sneaky $5 drop:
Ain't he cute?
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