All my adult life, I've tried to be a morning person. I even succeeded for nearly two years in graduate school. I would wake up around 6am, head to the school gym to workout and then use their shower facilities to get ready for the day. The nice thing was that my office was just across the quad and I could store my gym bag there.
Plus, getting to campus around 6:45am meant I always got the best parking spot in my lot.
But when I moved to San Francisco, something happened. Oh, sure, I still manage to get up early to head out for a run or early coffee meet-up with a friend, but something's changed. I can't quite get the pep in my step that I had during my graduate school years.
This really struck me Wednesday evening when, instead of heading straight home, I took an evening from the office and back. I felt great and ran for nearly five miles, which is a big accomplishment considering I'm still getting my running legs back. And I felt like I could keep going. I even ran without using my inhaler first. (Nerd alert!)
All that's to say that I never feel that way on a morning run. I have to psych myself out just so I can get out the door. And it's still a struggle.
No, I won't be giving up morning runs all together--sometimes, the schedule just doesn't let me run in the evening--but I will be taking more advantage of evening runs.
Also, to motivate myself in my continued running ventures, I bought these shorts. Yes, in the "sequin black" style.
What about you? Are you a morning person? Evening person? Couch person?
Old Navy vest and jeans, Gap top and scarf, Minnetonka mocs
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