Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back on Track

This is the first week of my half marathon training.

I once said that I wanted to do a marathon every year for as long as I could. After having completed 2.75 marathons, I'm feeling okay with slowing down a bit, especially considering how my joints are feeling after that last race.

But I slowed down too much. I've gained a little extra poundage. I'm sure no one else has noticed, but my waist has. And so have some of my pants. Yikes.

And what I've learned about myself is that I have to have a goal in order to stay on track fitness-wise. Otherwise, I get a little sporadic in my workouts.

So I've signed up for a half marathon in Wine Country in October. And I'm using Hal Higdon's training schedule again. Bring it.

gifted jeans
Old Navy cardigan
Banana Republic bag
Chelsea Crew wedges


  1. B is the same way, and in order for he and his pants to like each other better, he and my dad are running a half in November. Baby girl Johnson will be introduced to race world early - though only as a sideline spectator. I miss you!

  2. Way to go, girl. I can always tell when I have slacked off on my runs (in my pants tightness!), and need to get back to it. Good luck!
