Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hi. I'm Bethy. And I'm an athlete.

I've never considered myself an athlete. At least, not a real athlete. Yes, I know I probably should, but everyone has their insecurities. One of mine is that I don't really think I'm athletic, no matter how many races I run.

But something happened the other day at the gym. I don't typically choose to run on the treadmill, but since I was working it out during my lunch break, it was just convenience.

I snagged a treadmill right in front of the mirrors and started warming up. Then I glanced up. And I saw an athlete.

I'm not trying to be cheesy here, folks; I'm just telling you that for the first time, I looked like an athlete to ME. It didn't hurt that I was wearing short, black compression shorts and a black tank top. I could see my leg muscles contracting as I ran--I'd never done that before. Even my arms looked strong as I swung them in rhythm with my strides. And my face looked focused and determined.

I'm an athlete.

So no matter how many times I want to give up or I feel tired. Or even if I skip a workout. I've seen myself as an athlete in the mirror. And that's what I am.

{Gap dress: exactly | NYC scarf | Banana Republic boots: Exactly | Target earrings}

1 comment:

  1. you look adorable and I love this post! That's what I want to tell myself. I'm going to run a 5K in SF coming up and I'm training for a half -marathon with my friend! scary!
