Thursday, May 26, 2011

Disqus-ing Social Media

I just realized that title doesn't really work. While trying a play on words with the company name "Disqus," I've actually made it sounds like social media grosses me out.

It doesn't. It's my job.

And tonight I got to listen to several start-up entrepreneurs talk about their journeys. (They were supposed to talk about social media, but they kept getting off-track.) One of those entrepreneurs was the co-founder of Disqus, which many of you should know because it's how you comment on my blog (among a bunch of others).

I don't know that I'm convinced about all of his opinions when it comes to social media, but he has created a pretty cool product. And he's only 25. And started Disqus four years ago. Wow.

Blog, meet my $7 dress. $7 dress, blog. This was one of my delightful Old Navy clearance rack purchases yesterday. Yes, it's bright pink. And yes, I love it.

Bright pink actually makes me look a little tan, unlike pale pink. So I'll take it. The dress is made of linen, which is another reason to love it. I even managed to layer appropriately for SF weather.

 Old Navy everything. Seriously. Every piece of this outfit (except the gifted scarf) is from ON, even the jewelry. Maybe I should be an Old Navy stylist.

Short post, but that's because I'm busy catching up on one of my favorite shows, "Masterchef Australia." Yeah, for real. Accents make cooking even cooler.

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