Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meeting Bloggers

Even though I was fresh from work and not looking spectacular yesterday evening, I made it to Anthropologie for a brief meetup with Peggy, Debra and Anjali. (Below is today's outfit, not yesterday's.)

I could only stay for a brief visit before heading out to meet some friends for dinner, but I must say, it was worth it! Each of these ladies was so lovely. It was my first time meeting any style bloggers, so I was glad it was just a small meetup.

They were all--very skillfully--browsing the sale room at Anthro, but I do have a confession to make: I've never purchased anything from Anthropologie.


It's such a non-style blogger thing to admit. Honestly, when I first discovered it in college it was way out of my price range, so I never even considered it. walking into the store always made me sad that I couldn't afford any of the lovely items.

But you know what? I think it's time for me to start shopping there. The sale room is--mostly--in my price range, and it couldn't hurt to save for a great statement piece at full-price.

Maybe I should add "Anthropologie piece" to my fashion to-do list.

 Gap top and jeans, Madden boots, gifted scarf, Target earrings

I have another blogger meetup to attend tomorrow. This time for work. I'm a little intimidated about meeting a bunch of established personal finance boggers. And excited. Intimidated and excited.

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