Saturday, February 12, 2011

11 of 30: I Wanna Be a Supermodel

Gap sweater and cords, Target flats, gifted scarf

It wasn't the best time of day to take pictures, which is why I sorta wandered all around trying to find some satisfactory light.

This silk scarf is left over from hubs' art school days. (Yeah, I married an art school guy. He was a weaver. For real.) I think the scarf is from a fabric dying class, or something like that. Apparently they would just have random scraps of different types of textiles lying around and they would try out different techniques. This scarf is one such scrap that I loved. Again, it feeds my scarf obsession.

As for the post title, at work we have a very nice, very sweet UPS guy. He always chats a bit. Talks about races he used to run (I work for a company that puts on half marathons, 5ks and triathlons), what he's doing over the weekend, things like that.

And often he compliments me on my clothes/how I look. Not in a creepy "ew" way, but in a very respectable, flattering way. Yesterday, he asked me if I've ever thought about modeling. He told me I had everything I needed to be a model. I'd say that's a good start to a good weekend.

And, yes, I realize I wore this sweater yesterday.

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